Does anyone think that time is moving too fast? It was January a moment ago and now it's March! Where did February go? I probably should look up from writing occasionally and check the date.
I had a wonderful time with the Denver Academy Book Fair at Barnes and Noble on February 12. Of course, it was snowing, (took an hour driving home on icy streets for what is usually a 20-minute drive) but lots of parents and students attended and got homework forgiveness passes. The talent show was noisy and fun and the headmaster gave a reading to anyone who would listen.
Two talented students were working at the craft table right next to me. One of them is an amazing artist and drew a shapeshifter dragon for me. The other made, get this, TWO Origami Dragons and gave them to me. I'm officially impressed.
There were only three of my books left when the Book Fair ended. It was amazing!
I'm more than halfway done with DreamWalker. A sandcat just adopted Breanna on the way to Fasach. Is the Fasach Amulet real? I wonder where this adventure leads.
Write On!
© 2015 - 2021 Natli VanDerWerken