I sent WindRunner to the printer yesterday! It should be available by next week. I can’t wait to get it out to everyone.
The WindRunner resembled a warhorse, but twice again its size. He gazed imperiously over the assembly. A toss of his head sent an impossibly long forelock and mane floating about his head and neck. The WindRunner fastened his glistening black eyes on Owen.
Owen sucked in a breath. The book he was carrying slipped from his fingers and thudded on the stairs.
I have come for you. The WindRunner’s voice echoed in the minds of everyone.
Murmurs rippled around the great hall. The WindRunner paced into the room and up the aisle between tables and benches. Owen turned as if to run back up the stairs but hesitated.
What if it follows me up? He stood rooted on the fourth stair from the bottom.
Owen felt he was shrinking as the giant creature approached. He began to tremble with a combination of fear and anticipation. His throat turned dry and his breathing increased, making him light-headed.
I choose you. Gather your things and come with me.