I spent last week helping my daughter get ready for the American Shetland Sheepdog Association National, brushing and bathing 5 dogs. Instead of writing. Then I had to recover. The National is this week at Purina Farms outside of St. Louis. It’s a week of very hard work, shmoozing with friends, and showing the dogs. She’s got 12 this year. That’s the plan.
So back into the writing universe. I have a couple of chapters left in DreamWalker. Then off to editing. I’m working on a re-launch of Red Dragon’s Keep with an Amazon Best Seller campaign for the ebook in June. More on that to come. Oh, and an audiobook release of Red Dragon’s Keep. Why didn’t I do this when it was snowing?

Book signing at the Barnes and Noble @bnbuzz Colorado Blvd store in Glendale on Saturday 9 – 5, and at the Southlands Barnes and Noble store in Aurora 10 – 5. I’ll be with a bunch of authors supporting the AuthorU Foundation. All genres for all ages.

Come out and get signed copies from some of the best authors in Colorado.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are coming. You’ve Been Warned. Hahahaha!
Write On!